Do you find yourself looking at your closet thinking you just have too much stuff?  You try to choose an outfit for the day, but you have way too many choices and you feel overwhelmed.  Don’t worry, you are not alone.


The solution is to make the process as simple and stress free as possible. It is too much to look at the closet as a whole.  Let’s break it down into two parts.


Part 1 – Make the decision and know your why


You will first need to get your mind right.  Reducing closet clutter can be mentally challenging if you are not mentally prepared.  It is not enough to say you are going to get rid of some think.  It works best when you have a system in place to help you get through the process quick and easy.


You need to know why you are going through this process.  It could be that you have lost weight and you have clothes that no longer fit or you shopped way too much over the past few years and your closet is overflowing.


It is important to focus on why you are doing this to help keep you motivated.  Think of one word that will describe how you want to feel once this is completed and write the word in big letters on a sheet of paper.  Post the paper next to your purging area and refer to it when you start to get tired.


Number 2 – Let’s Sort


Sorting through your clothes is easier than you think.


We see people with piles of clothes on a bed making the process seem daunting.  For this process you will only have two.  One for the clothes you just took out of the closet and another one for keep.  With this process, we are not thinking about whether it fits or whether you like it.  The only decision is which three pieces you are going to keep.


These are two dramatically different piles and here is why…


This is a process I call 7 Over 10.


Step 1 – take out 10 pieces of clothing.  They should be right next to each other in your closet.  Just grab the first 10.


Step 2 – lay the 10 pieces on your bed on the left side of your bed.


Step 3 – take away 3 pieces that will not go back in the closet.  Only 3.


Step 4 – put the 3 pieces in a large black plastic bag with a draw string.  This will be placed in the room outside your bedroom door.  It must be dark so you cannot see inside.


Step 5 – the 7 pieces left on your bed win


Step 6 – place the 7 pieces back in your closet sorted lightest to darkest. This will help you in the event you run across an item you may think is a duplicate.


Step 7 – Repeat steps 1 – 6 until you have completely purged your closet.


This method will help you eliminate 1/3 of your closet clutter.  I know it may not seem like a lot, but I promise you, it will make a difference.


Once you finish, your closet will appear neater, cleaner, and more organized.  This process can be revisited every three months or as often as needed.


Buying Practices


I know you will continue to shop. Let’s be realistic.  Things must be replaced as they get old and outdated. However, you will find you will need far less than you did before.  Once your closet is sorted and you can actually see what you have to work with.


If you are shopping either online or in the store, wait 24 hours before you decide to buy.  This is easier to do online as you can leave it in your cart and come back later.  Remember all that glitters is not gold.  It may just be glitter and make a mess of your closet. haha


Here is the trick to maintaining a balanced closet.  You must practice the One in One Out Rule.


One in One Out Rule


This rule states, every time you buy one piece of clothing, you remove another piece. Make sure you have a box or black plastic bag ready for your new donations.  It’s just that simple! Take your donation bag and put it in the back of your car so you can get it out of the house.


Sorting made Easy


Definitely Yes!

If it fits and you absolutely love how you feel when you wear it, KEEP IT!  You should have a close full of clothes that you don’t have to think about before you wear it.  You are absolutely certain to feel like a million dollars when you put it on.



If in doubt, toss it out!


These are clothes that do not fit right now.  It seems self-explanatory but let me clarify.  These clothes do not fit your body properly.  Whether they are too tight, not flattering, or too loose, they must go.


Do not keep clothes with the hope you’ll lose weight to fit into.  The problem with keeping clothes you hope to get into is that each time you see them it sparks negativity you do not need.  I know you think you are keeping them for inspiration but change your thinking. If you lose the weight, buy new clothes for your new body.  You will deserve it!


Donating clothes to others who can use them right now is much more productive than keeping them in your closet.  These include the clothes that no longer fit, do not fit your lifestyle, or you just do not like them anymore (and that is okay).  Let someone else love them.


There are plenty of shelters who could use your unwanted clothes and put them to good use.  You can search online for shelters or donate them to a local church.


If they are children’s clothes, you can always give them to a local school.  Schools need children’s clothes for kids who mess up their clothes at school or here is a good one, those who are out of dress code.  Just a thought.


It’s a win/win.


Another option is to sale your clothes


Garage Sale

If you community will allow it, sale your clothes and make some money off of them.  This can be a fun Saturday activity if you chose to do it.  You can get the whole family involved and let your children keep the proceeds from the items they sale.


Online Resalers

There are many sites online to resale your unwanted clothing.  Here is a list of some of the popular ones:







These sites will let you sale your clothing online for a small fee.  This a great option for those that enjoy selling online or do not have a space to have a garage sale.


Cleaning out your closet will free up your time that was normally spent browsing your closet.  This process will leave your closet organized and easy to use.  You will have a sense of peace knowing you have access to all the clothes in your closet without hesitation.


I know you will enjoy the process as it is simple and can be done in one day.  Just put on some good music and pour your favorite beverage and purge away.  You may also want to invite a friend over to help you.  Sometimes they can give you insight.


These micro steps will lead to a massive life of joy and peace.


Love and hugs
