
Do I have to?  Yes, you do and that’s a good thing.  I promise.  However, it doesn’t have to feel like you have to    climb Mt. Everest.  Working out can be fun and rewarding once you create a habit.  Many people see going to the gym or taking a walk as something that is not a whole lot of fun.  So let’s change that.

Here are a few steps to get you off the sofa, out of bed and moving your body.

  1. Decide ‘Why’ you want to workout

It is really easy to look in the mirror and let the mirror decide for you. You know the voices

“I’m too fat…”

“I’ve got to lose this baby weight”

“I need to lose weight for my class reunion”

Or worse,

“I hate the way I look!”

While all those things may be good reasons, they will not, I repeat, will not get you out of bed consistently to exercise.  Here is the reason why.  Your mind cannot positively navigate through a sea of negativity.  You see none of those statements are encouraging or positive even though they may be true.

So, how about making your why or your reason a more positive statement.  For example:

“I am going to workout today because it will lead to a healthier lifestyle.”

“When I get in shape my body will move so much easier.”

“I will workout because moving my muscles gives me more energy.”

See the difference?  It is all in how you phrase it in your mind.  Your mind is so powerful.  When you have a more proactive reason for working out your mind and body will move in that direction.

“You mind will move in the direction of your most positive thought.”

  1. Choose a workout that makes you happy.

If you know you do not like lifting weights or running, then don’t do it.  Do something that makes you happy.  Enjoying exercise is half the battle.  There are tons of choices out there.  Here are a few:

Yoga                                      Aerobics                              Walking

Pilates                                   Martial Arts                        Swimming

Dance                                   Running                               Weight Lifting

(yes, I had to add that. Lol)

  1. Decide where you are going to workout


Everyone has different needs when it comes to where you will workout.  Obviously, joining a gym is an option but what kind of gym.  Some things you may want to look for are:


Size                                        Classes offered                                 Types of equipment


Location                               Personal Trainers


Childcare                             Hours of operation

Working out at home can be a great option.  One of the best things is you don’t have to worry about childcare or a commute to the gym. If you are self-motivating and you love the convenience of home then utilize this option.

You can access workout videos on YouTube or Instagram.  Many trainers offer free home workout routines.  There are also apps available for both Android and iPhones.  Just search for workouts.  It’s easy peasy!

Another option is a paid online memberships:

  1. com (add affiliate link)

If you are not familiar with Beachbody workouts, check them out.  You will love the variety of workouts by various trainers and at all different fitness levels. Beachbody on Demand offers a variety of workouts that are streamed to your mobile device, laptop or Smart TV.  Whether you enjoy dancing, weight lifting, or yoga, Beachbody has workouts from beginner to advanced.

  1. Find a workout partner

A workout partner can help keep you accountable to your plan.  It can be a neighbor or coworker who will join you for a morning or lunch walk.  Working out together can take your mind off the exercise and help build relationships.

“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up.” – Serena Williams


Remember if you are tying to lose weight it takes time, persistence and patience.  The weight did not attach to your body overnight.  You set your own timetable.  Do not let the advertising to lose weight in 90 days or 12 weeks put pressure on you.  However, keep in mind those programs or systems are in place to help you stay consistent and see results.

  1. Take before pics


I can hear it already, “I don’t want pictures”.  But here is the thing, it can be very motivating to see your progress in the flesh.  Sometimes you may be losing inches and they may not show on the scale.  It is at this time that you can look in the mirror and compare the difference.  This may be the push you need to workout when your bed is calling to you.


  1. Be patient with the process

“When i feel tired, i just think about how great i will feel, once i finally reach my goal.” – Michael Phelps


Making a decision to start moving your body may not be easy but it is so worth it.  You may experience so initial soreness if it has been a while since you exercised but don’t let this discourage you.  If you are concerned, consult a personal trainer or if it seems you may have injured yourself, consult your physician.


It is not about your size or shape but about getting your heart rate up and removing excess fat deposits around your heart (do your research and consult your physician).




“Good things come to those who sweat.” – Anonymous




“The worse workout is the one you didn’t do.” – Anonymous


Just get started.  You do not have to stick with the same workout.  If you get bored, change it up.  You are in control of you how you want to move.  If you are not trying to lose weight, just getting your blood flowing and heart rate moving is a huge step in the right direction.


At the end of the day, be proud of yourself for doing what so many others aren’t willing to do.  You have decided you are worth the change.