Life Coaching

What is Life Coaching?
Who needs Life Coaching?

Life coaching is enlisting the help of a professional to assist you in moving forward in areas of your you may be struggling in.  It is for anyone who knows what they want to do but may need direction or someone to keep them on track to make their goals and desires happen in a timely manner. A life coach is that sidekick that will help you kick your life into full gear.

I cannot achieve my goals alone.

This is an issue many people have.  A life coach will help you understand what is important to you and focus on each goal one at a time to help you progress to what ever your desired goal is.

Will a life coach tell me what to do?

It is not the role of a life coach to tell you what to do but to determine what you want and work together to create the best and most efficient plan for you.

How is a life coach different from a counselor?

One of the biggest differences is in the training.  A life coach is certified and trained to work with individuals and are a more affordable option.  Counselors are clinically trained and tend to focus of specific areas of study.  Both are great options and depend on affordability.

I have no clue where I need to start.

Starting is the first step is seeing change.  A life coach will help you organize your life so you can prioritize what is most important to you.  This will help you create a place to start.

My Life is chaotic. I am not sure I have the time.

Life can be busy and it seems like making time to add coaching to your schedule. Scheduling is arranged around your schedule.  In the time it takes to watch a television show, you can meet with me and create life changing experiences.

Live up to Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU

Deep inside you know who you want to see when you look in the mirror.  Sometimes it may seem daunting and impossible to have the person you are now meet the person you want to be.  However, it can be achieved with the right formula.

Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes

1% improvement each day is progress in a forward direction

It is never too late to be who you want to be

Life is about Balance. Set Reasonable Goals. Face Challenges Head On. Reward Yourself.

Life is about balancing those things in your life that are most important to you.  Setting reasonable goals you know you can manage is important.

Challenges are only road blocks if you allow them to be.  It is vital you learn effective ways to handle them.  Facing your issues and problems head on equipped with the right tools.

Changing can be difficult but so rewarding if you make changes in areas that will benefit you.  When you succeed, reward your hard work.  Yes, you deserve it!


“She showed me how to truly commit to my marriage through all its challenges and to wait patiently for a process to complete instead of thinking about all the potentially negative outcomes.  I have learned how to change my thinking when I face challenges.”

– Earl T.

“Claudia’s coaching has changed my life forever.  Her demeanor and ‘excuses are useless’ moto hit me at my core.  Now when I try new things I pause, remove my internal roadblocks and march ahead to what awaits me.  I am now excited about my future.”

-Elise N.

“I couldn’t be more grateful for the coaching experience I received from Claudia.  Being a city official, I am often immersed in contrasting state of affairs that can become overwhelming.

She has helped me focus on the direct intentionality of building a stronger community.”

-B. Ibrahim-Smith

Claudia Trotter

Micro Steps, Massive Life

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